Fiducie has numerous applications, in either of its two forms: pure Management Trust or an hybrid form of Management Trust and Security Trust.
As Management Trust, Fiducie is an ad hoc vehicle to perform a mission. Parties to the fiducie contract see it as a mean to charge the Fiducaire, a trusted and experienced third party, with a specific assignment. Fiducie is for instance frequently employed to organize voting rights, governance and shareholders pacts, to detain asset on behalf of a party less equipped or able to do so, to actively manage assets according to a specific plan or to safe-keep assets in the expectation of a forthcoming or probable event.
The trustee is an independent third-party. In all circumstances, he respects and enforces the trust deed, all the trust deed and only the trust deed.
Management Trust
Estate Management
- Vulnerable people’s heritage
- Outsourced wealth management
- Club Deals
Corporate & Securities
- Shareholders’ agreements
- Asset-liability guarantees
- Share rights management
Third-party entitlements
- Escrow account
- Security deposit
- Redundancy plan
Management / Security Trust
Project finance
- Asset and infrastructure financing
- Concessions, public service delegation
- Property development
Structured finance
- Security packages
- Acquisition finance / LBO
- Debt restructuring
- Securitization
Operational finance
- Supply chain
- Financing
- Operational restructuring
- Refinancing of amortized assets